

Meetings during August

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There are a few changes to our normal rhythms of church meetings during August:

Sunday 28th July 10.30am meeting together @ The Dip

Robbie & Sue will be leading our time of worship


Sunday 4th Drop-In community meal at Brighthelm.



Sunday 11th August 10.30am meeting together @ Crowhurst Hall

Jon & Cathy Wilkins will be leading the meeting


Sunday 18th August 10.30am meeting together @ The Dip

Johnie & Gwyn will be leading


Sunday 25th AugustNO MEETING this week due to the Bank holiday

Celebrate Holy Week and Easter with Us

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Palm Sunday, with Donkeys and brass band
Sunday 24th March, 3pm @ the top of the field behind the Gathering Place, Hollingbury.
Invite your friends and come and enter into the story, waving your palm branches and processing with the donkey. Hosanna!

Maundy Thursday 29th March
Invitation from Father Aiden and the folk at St. Joseph’s catholic church, to churches across the city, to join the 8pm Holy Thursday Service at St. Josephs.
This will be a beautiful opportunity to enter into the story of the Last Supper and Jesus’
commandment to ‘love one another.’
Good Friday reflective service led by the Taize team
Friday 30th March 10.30am @ The Dip
followed by hot cross buns.

Sunday 31 st March EASTER DAY
6am Sunrise walk arranged by Sue Schirmer
11am @ Brighthelm, All-Age Celebration
A time of thanksgiving and celebration. He is risen! Hallelujah!
Bring your drums, percussion, ribbons, flags and joyful hearts and hands ready to praise.
Egg hunt of course!

Christmas Services at City Gate Church

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City Gate Church warmly invites you to join our services:

Christmas Celebration
Sunday 17th December, 4pm
Hanover Room
Brighthelm Centre
Light refreshments will be served

Christmas Carols
Friday 22nd December, 6pm
The Gathering Place, Orchid View
Outside, at top of Carden Park, (behind the Gathering place) or inside the Gathering place if raining.

Christmas Eve
Sunday 24th December, 10.30am @the Dip
Simple Communion Service

We are Recruiting – Administrator Vacancy

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City Gate Church is currently looking for an enthusiastic and motivated person to join the team in the following part-time role:


This role will provide administrative support for City Gate Church, including the Elders and Leadership Team. Duties will include administrative support for the day to day running of the church, assistance to the finance officer and support for internal and external communication.

Salary £23,400, per annum pro rata

Hours 15 hours—flexible arrangements can be negotiated.

Hybrid working with some work to be carried out at the City Gate Church Office.

Whilst we would prefer to recruit someone for the full role, all expressions of interest in the post are welcome, including for only some aspects of the role; please contact us if you would like an informal discussion first.

For further information please contact Sue Schirmer on 

The closing date for applications is Wednesday, 6th December 2023

CGC Church Administrator JD Nov 23

CGC Application Form Administrator Nov 23

park benches in autumn leaves

All Souls Service – 29th October

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City Gate Church & One Church Brighton invite you to

All Souls Service

Sunday 29th October, 6pm

At One Church, Florence Road, Brighton

A gentle service of words and music, a time to remember those we love who are no longer with us, to pause, pray and light a candle.

You are invited to bring something for the table of remembrance, which you can take home with you afterwards.

Meetings During the Summer Period

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During the school holidays in July and August, there will be some changes to our regular church meetings:

We will have an Altogether meeting at Brighthelm at 10.30am on 23rd July.

Sunday 30th July is a Creative Sunday and we will be undertaking a Pilgrim walk along the Cuckmere Pilgrim Path. We will start at 10am at the Barley Mow Pub on the A 27 past Lewes. We will aim to do half the route,  walking to Alciston, Berwick, Alfriston and Wilmington where we will stop for lunch… aiming for about 1pm for those who would want to join us there. 

There will be no Drop-in at Brighthelm and no Messy Church in Hollingbury on Sunday 6th August.

On Sunday 13th, 20th and 27th August will be meeting at 10.30am at The Dip

There will be no Taize meetings during August; The last meeting before the summer break will be on Monday 24th July (6.30pm at The Dip),  the next meeting will then be on Monday 4th September. 

We are Recruiting!

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March 2022 – We are currently recruiting for a new Administrator and Communications Officer. We are grateful for your patience and understanding as we recruit for this position.

If you would like to apply for the role of Administrator and Communications Officer, please see the advert, job description and application forms below. For further information please contact Gwyn Davies on 07944426450/

Creative Worship – Saturday 29th January – Come & Join Us!

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At our online members meeting last year we spent time discussing what people wanted in terms of our gatherings as we moved forward. Many people said they had really missed “worshiping together”.

In response to this we’re holding a Creative Worship evening on Saturday 29th Jan from 6.30-8pm using the One Church Florence Road venue – this will be our gathering that weekend.  It’s also a collaboration with Movement in Worship and it will be a hybrid (online and in-person) event as the last 1.5 hours of a 24-hours online global Worship Wave that we’re hosting.

At the Brighton Creative Worship evening our good friends Tim and Ann O’Hare are coming to lead the musical worship so there should be opportunity to have a great sing together – classics and some new songs. There will hopefully also be some additional creative elements – maybe some craft, liturgy, percussion, dance etc .


Come and worship with us in person – we’re so looking forward to worshiping together with people in the same room, whilst others can join from across the world online.

As much as we want things to be normal and relaxed, we also want to keep everyone safe from Covid, therefore please don’t attend if you have symptoms and please do a lateral flow test before attending.

Please also wear face masks on arrival and you then have the choice to keep them on or remove them during the time.

We’ll make sure the the venue is well ventilated – so bring an extra jumper / coat incase it’s chilly.  We’ll also have an area for people who want to keep a safe distance / only be near people wearing masks.

Here’s more details …



To get involved with the whole 24hrs of worship please see details below and register to sign up online!

Online via Zoom

Friday 28th January – Saturday 29th January 2022
8pm -8pm (UK Time)
Following the success of our first Worship Wave in April 2021- we have listened to you and God and feel it is right to put on another 24 hours of continuous worship.

We would love for you to join us again and invite others; for this free participatory worship event facilitated by our own Movement in Worship Team from across the Globe – each bringing their own uniqueness to the sessions.

Already we have 80 people signed up from Germany, UK, Norway, Ireland, Austria, Australia and USA.  To take part simple REGISTER NOW.

Registration is quick and does not commit you to a particular time.  You can attend for as much or as little of the 24 hours as you like, using the same Zoom link.

Zoom link will be emailed following registration.

Candlelit Christmas Celebration

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Our candlelit gathering this year in the Brighthelm Gardens centred on Hope …reminded of the birth of Jesus and the blessing of advent. Thank you to everyone who came and helped light up the gardens, with the sound of carols and Christmas readings.
The “O” in Hope by Luci Shaw
Hope has this lovely vowel at its throat.
Think how we cry “Oh!” as the sun’s circle
clears the ridge above us on the hill.
O is the shape of a mouth singing, and of
a cherry as it lends its sweetness
to the tongue. “Oh!” say the open eyes at
unexpected beauty and then, “Wow!”
O is endless as a wedding ring, a round
pool, the shape of a drop’s widening on
the water’s surface. O is the center of love,
and O was in the invention of the wheel.
It multiplies in the zoo, doubles in a door
that opens, grows in the heart of a green wood,
in the moon, and in the endless looping
circuit of the planets. Mood carries it,
and books and holy fools, cotton, a useful tool
and knitting wool. I love the doubled O
in good and cosmos, and how O revolves,
solves, is in itself complete, unbroken,
a circle enclosing us, holding us all together,
every thing both in center and circumference
zeroing in on the Omega that finds
its ultimate center in the name of God.
This year our Christmas Collection was for the Brighton charity “The Hummingbird Project” ‘a community standing together for the Rights and Protection of Young Refugees’, helping support refugees arriving in our city.
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and hope-filled Christmas.

Our Dear Friend Andy

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This week we mourn the loss of our dear friend Andy Mason, who died last Saturday, the day after his 68th birthday, peacefully and encircled by his family. We give thanks for his life and the legacy of goodness he has left among us. He was one of the founding members of City Gate, a shepherd of this little flock, a father to many, a welcomer, a quiet encourager and someone who imparted his love and delight in God’s creation.  We will miss him greatly.

For our community, it has been a privilege to walk alongside him and Andrea and their family through his illness, and to share in the love, grace and peace that has marked this journey. He remains in our hearts and our memories, and we hold onto the confident hope of seeing him again one day in the presence of Jesus.

Revelation 21:3
I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”


We pray for the family at this time. May the God of all comfort be a strength and shield to them, and may there be joy and laughter in remembering a deeply loved husband, dad and granddad, even while the tears flow.

Matthew 5:4 

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.