In just two weeks churches across the world will begin the ten day wave of prayer that is Thy Kingdom Come.
We are going to be joining with Kingdom Come 9 days of prayer at The Dip, 31st May – 8th June.
It’s an exciting time to pray for the local church, friends, families, Brighton & Hove and our nation… that God’s Kingdom COME!
We would like to invite you to an evening of prayer and worship during ‘Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Week’ at The Dip on Friday 7th June from 7.30-9.00pm (119d Hollingdean Terrace, BN1 7HB).
We will also be holding a Prayer Breakfast at The Dip on Saturday 8th June, 9.30am-11am, which you would also be welcome to attend.
It would be great if you can let us know for numbers on the Saturday if you would like to come by phoning the City Gate office on 01273 693807, otherwise feel free to just come and join us!