Palm Sunday, with Donkeys and brass band
Sunday 24th March, 3pm @ the top of the field behind the Gathering Place, Hollingbury.
Invite your friends and come and enter into the story, waving your palm branches and processing with the donkey. Hosanna!
Maundy Thursday 29th March
Invitation from Father Aiden and the folk at St. Joseph’s catholic church, to churches across the city, to join the 8pm Holy Thursday Service at St. Josephs.
This will be a beautiful opportunity to enter into the story of the Last Supper and Jesus’
commandment to ‘love one another.’
Good Friday reflective service led by the Taize team
Friday 30th March 10.30am @ The Dip
followed by hot cross buns.
Sunday 31 st March EASTER DAY
6am Sunrise walk arranged by Sue Schirmer
11am @ Brighthelm, All-Age Celebration
A time of thanksgiving and celebration. He is risen! Hallelujah!
Bring your drums, percussion, ribbons, flags and joyful hearts and hands ready to praise.
Egg hunt of course!